9001诚信金沙(9001cc·JS认证)官网-Just Do it


姓 名:肖琦





  • 2002-2006, 北京大学,9001诚信金沙9001cc,学士

  • 2006-2008, 香港大学医学院解剖学系,硕士

  • 2009-2015,美国密歇根大学细胞与发育生物系,博士


  • 2008-2009,香港大学医学院解剖学系,研究助理

  • 2015-2020,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校霍华德·休斯医学研究所,博士后

  • 2020.11-至今,重庆大学9001诚信金沙9001cc,副教授


1. 结合单细胞转录组测序,遗传学及高分辨率光学成像技术,研究调控神经细胞间突触连接特异性的分子机制,探索大脑发育过程中神经环路组装定位的工作机制。

2. 结合神经生物学,免疫学与微生物学三大重要学科领域,研究神经活动调控杀虫真菌侵染昆虫引起的免疫反应机制,为害虫的生物防治寻找新的神经和免疫系统靶标。




Xiao, Q, Xia, Y. (2023) Insights into dendritic cell maturation during infection with application of advanced imaging techniques. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2023, 13:1140765

Keleş, M, Hardcastle, B, Städele, C, Xiao, Q, Frye, M. (2020) Inhibitory Interactions and Columnar Inputs to an Object Motion Detector in Drosophila. Cell Reports.30(7):2115-2124.e5

Venkatasubramanian,L, Guo,Z, Xu,S, Tan,L, Xiao,Q, Nagarkar-Jaiswal,S, Mann,RS. (2019) Stereotyped terminal axon branching of leg motor neurons mediated by IgSF proteins DIP-α and Dpr10. Elife. e42692

Ashley,J, Sorrentino,V, Lobb-Rabe,M, Nagarkar-Jaiswal,S, Tan,L, Xu,S, Xiao,Q, Zinn,K, Carrillo,RA. (2019) Transsynaptic interactions between IgSF proteins DIP-α and Dpr10 are required for motor neuron targeting specificity. Elife. e42690

Xu,S*, Xiao,Q*, Cosmanescu,F, Sergeeva,A, Yoo,J, Lin,Y, Katsamba,P, Ahlsen,G, Kaufman,J, Linaval,N, Lee,PT, Bellen,H, Shapiro,L, Honig,B, Tan,L, Zipursky,L. (2018) Interactions between the Ig-Superfamily Proteins DIP-α and Dpr6/10 Regulate Assembly of Neural Circuits. Neuron, 100, 1-16. (* co-first author)

Cosmanescu,F, Katsamba,P, Sergeeva,A, Ahlsen,G, Patel,S, Brewer,J, Tan,L, Xu,S, Xiao,Q, Nagarkar-Jaiswal,S, Nern,A, Bellen,H, Zipursky,L, Honig,B, Shapiro,L. (2018) Neuron sub-type specific expression, interaction affinities, and specificity determinants of DIP/Dpr cell recognition proteins. Neuron, 100, 1385-1400.

Janssens, DH, Hamm,DC, Anhezini,L, Xiao,Q, Siller,KH, Siegrist,SE, Harrison,MM, Lee,CY.(2017) An Hdac1/Rpd3-Poised Circuit Balances Continual Self-Renewal and Rapid Restriction of Developmental Potential during Asymmetric Stem Cell Division. Developmental Cell, 40(4):367-380.e7.

Komori, H.*, Xiao, Q.*, Janssens, D., Dou, YL., Lee, CY. (2014) Trithorax maintains the functional heterogeneity of neural stem cells through the transcription factor Buttonhead. eLife, e03502.  (*co-first author)

Komori, H., Xiao, Q., McCartney, B., Lee, CY. (2014) Brain tumor specifies intermediate progenitor cell identity by attenuating β-catenin /Armadillo. Development, 141(1):51-62.

Xiao, Q.*, Komori, H.*, Lee, CY. (2012) klumpfuss distinguishes stem cells from progenitor cells during asymmetric neuroblast division. Development, 139(15):2670-80. (*co-first author)

Xiao, Q., Du, Y., Wu, W., Yip, HK. (2010). Bone morphogenetic proteins mediate cellular response and, together with Noggin, regulate astrocyte differentiation after spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology, 221(2):353-66




extend1 博士 extend2 副教授
extend3 qixiao_2020@cqu.edu.cn extend4 结合单细胞转录组测序,遗传学及高分辨率光学成像技术,研究调控神经细胞间突触连接特异性的分子机制,探索大脑发育过程中神经环路组装定位的工作机制。