邓伟,重庆大学9001诚信金沙9001cc教授,博士生导师,天府学者特聘专家,重庆英才创新创业领军人才。主要研究方向为果实发育生物学、采后生物学、分子育种。2000年西南大学本科学位,2006年获西南大学-美国康涅狄格大学联合培养博士学位,2010-2011年加拿大阿尔伯塔大学博士后,2017年美国加州大学戴维斯分校访问学者。以第一和通讯作者先后在Plant Cell、New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、Journal of Experimental Botany等杂志发表文章30多篇。主持十三五重点研发计划子课题1项,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、主持重庆市重点项目1项、科技部973项目子课题1项和863项目子课题1项、获教育部促进与美大地区合作与高层次人才培养项目1项、重庆市自然科学基金项目2项。
Fronters in Plant Science副编辑(Associate Editor)、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、教育部全国研究生教育评估检测专家、重庆市遗传学会副理事长、重庆市植物学会常务理事、国际植物学知名SCI期刊Plant Biotechnolog Journal、Plant Journal、Horticulture Research等杂志审稿人。
1、Xu X, Zhang QD, Gao XL, Wu GL, Wu MB, Yuan YJ, Zheng XZ, Gong ZH, Hu XW, Gong M, Qi TC, Li HH, Luo ZS, Li ZG, Deng W* (2022) Auxin and abscisic acid antagonistically regulate ascorbic acid production via the SlMAPK8-SlARF4-SlMYB11 module in tomato. Plant Cell Accepted.
2、Zheng XZ1, Yuan YJ1, Huang BW, Hu XW, Tang YW, Xu X, Wu MB, Gong ZH, Luo YQ, Gong M, Gao XL, Wu GL, Zhang QD, Li ZG, Deng W* (2022) Control of fruit softening and ascorbic acid accumulation by manipulation of SlIMP3 in tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal 20: 1213-1225.
3、Yang YY, Shan W, Yang TW, Wu CJ, Chen JY, Lu WJ, Deng W*, Kuang JF* (2022) MaMYB4 is a negative regulator and a substrate of RING-type E3 ligases MaBRG2/3 in controlling banana fruit ripening. Plant Journal 110: 0960-7412.
4、Gong ZH, Luo, YQ, Zhang WF, Jian W, Zhang L, Gao XL, Hu XW, Yuan YJ, Wu MB, Xu X, Zheng XZ, Wu GL, Li ZG, Li Z*, Deng Wei* (2021) SlMYB75-centred transcriptional cascade regulates, trichome formation and sesquiterpene accumulation on tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72: 3806-3820
5、Yuan YJ1, Xu X1, Luo YQ, Gong ZH, Hu XW, Wu MB, Liu YD, Yan F, Zhang XL, Zhang WF, Tang YW, Feng BH, Li ZG, Jiang CZ, Deng Wei*. (2021) R2R3 MYB-dependent auxin signalling regulates trichome formation, and increased trichome density confers spider mite tolerance on tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 19: 138-152
6、Yan F, Gao Y, Pang X, Xu X, Zhu N, Chan H, Hu G, Wu M, Yuan Y, Li H, Zhong S, Hada W, Deng Wei*, Li ZG* (2020) SlBL4 regulates chlorophyll accumulation, chloroplast development and cell wall metabolism in tomato fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany,19: 5549-5561
7、Wu MB, Xu X, Hu XW, Liu YD, Cao HH, Helen C, Gong ZH, Yuan YJ, Luo YQ, Feng BH, Li ZG, Deng Wei*. (2020) SlMYB72 regulates the metabolism of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and flavonoids in tomato fruit. Plant Physiology 183: 854-868
8、Yuan YJ, Xu X, Gong ZH, Tang YW, Wu MB, Yan F, Zhang XL, Zhang Q, Yang FQ, Hu XW, Yang QC, Luo YQ, Mei LH, Zhang WF, Jiang CZ, Lu WJ, Li ZG, Deng Wei*. (2019) Auxin response factor 6A regulates photoshythesis, sugar accumulation, and fruit development in tomato. Horticulture Research 6: 85
9、Yuan YJ1, Mei LH1, Wu MB, Wei W, Shan W, Gong ZH, Zhang Q, Yang FQ, Yan Fang, Zhang Q, Luo YQ, Xu X, Zhang WF, Miao MJ, Lu WJ, Li ZG, Deng Wei*. (2018) SlARF10, an auxin response factor, is involved in chlorophyll and sugar accumulation during tomato fruit development. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 5507-5518
10、Yan F, Hu GJ, Ren ZX, Deng Wei*, Li ZG*. (2015) Ectopic expression a tomato KNOX Gene Tkn4 affects the formation and the differentiation of meristems and vasculature. Plant Molecular Biology 89(6): 589-605
11、Zhang XL, Yan F, Tang YW, Yuan YJ, Deng Wei*, Li ZG*. (2015) Auxin response gene SlARF3 plays multiple roles in tomato development and is involved in the formation of epidermal cells and trichomes. Plant Cell Physiology 56(11): 2110-2124
12、Deng Wei*, Fang Yan, Xiaolan Zhang, Yuwei Tang, and Yujin Yuan.(2015) Transcriptional profiling of canola developing embryo and identification of the important roles of BnDof5.6 in embryo development and fatty acids synthesis. Plant Cell Physiology 56 (8): 1624-1640
13、Chen G1, Deng Wei1, Peng F, Truksa M, Singer S, Snyder CL, Mietkiewska E, Weselake RJ*. (2013) Brassica napus TT16 homologs with different genomic origins and expression levels encode proteins that regulate a broad range of endothelium-associated genes at the transcriptional level. Plant Journal 74: 663-677
14、Deng Wei1, Chen G1, Peng F, Truksa M, Snyder CL, Weselake RJ*. (2012) Transparent Testa16 plays multiple roles in plant development and is involved in fatty acid synthesis and embryo development in Brassica napus. Plant Physiology 160: 978-989
15、Deng Wei, Yan F, Liu M, Wang X and Li Z*. (2012) Down-regulation of SlIAA15 intomato altered stem xylem development and production of volatile compounds in leaf exudates. Plant Signaling Behavior 7(8): 911-913
16、Deng Wei, Yang YW, Ren ZX, Audran-Delalande C, Mila I, Wang XY, Song HL, Hu YH, Bouzayen M*, Li ZG*. (2012) The Tomato SlIAA15 Is Involved in Trichome Formation and Axillary Shoot Development. New Phytologist 194: 379-390
17、Deng Wei*, Luo K, Li ZG, Yang YW.(2009) A novel method for induction of plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis. Plant Science 177: 43-48
18、Deng Wei1, Luo KM1, Li DM, Zheng XL, Wei XY, Smith W, Thammina C, Lu LT, Li Y*, Pei Y*.(2006) Overexpression of an Arabidopsis magnesium transport gene, AtMGT1, in Nicotiana benthamiana confers Al tolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 4235-4243